Thursday, January 22, 2009

Long Time No Post

I know...I know...I haven't posted in forever and a day. Didn't I say that I would probably do this?!? Well. My writer's block has been partly because I haven't taken any good pictures lately. And I feel kind of silly posting a blog with no pictures. What's the point ya know? The picture above is from today. We met some other moms and kids there from our group.
Today we went to the Texoma Children's Museum and Libby had a lot of fun. She did not really play with anyone but, she had a lot of fun on the slide. I've read that two year olds "parallel" play with other children, and that is exactly what she does for the most part, unless she is very comfortable with the other child. And even then it's not like real's more of a "gimme whatcha got" type of deal that sometimes ends in tears. Naomi had fun cheesing and showing off her (still) toothless grin. I took her to the doctor yesterday because, she has a small rash on her face and it turns out that she has eczema like Libby. I started giving her yogurt and wheat products last week so one of those might be the culprit. I'm going to eliminate dairy from her diet first (breastmilk is not dairy), to see if that helps it out. If that isn't it then she's gonna have to say bye bye to these wheat teething biscuits that she is loving for awhile. I had a lot of fun at the playgroup as well. It's fun talking to other moms about mom stuff. I won't go into detail here to avoid boring any of you. Unless you of course, are a mom. ;). I've better go...I'm sure that these girls are going to be getting up from a nap any minute now. It's already four! They are worn out!!! If I had the money, I'd go to the museum more often!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


This afternoon Libby pooped in the potty! She normally saves all deuces for her pull-up, so we were all thrilled when she exclaimed that she went poopy in the potty all by herself! We were all surprised since she did this on her own, we usually take her to the potty in regular intervals so she can pee! She got a candy cane (her new fav), and some markers from her birthday that I had put up. She is in heaven now coloring with her new markers. Let's hope that she has seen the light and wants to poop in the potty from now on! Only time will tell!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're Back!

We have been gone since December 27th. We are finally back at home! We had a lot of fun in Zapata. Libby and Naomi had muy fun playing with their cousins. We ate well; I don't think I have ever eaten so many avacados in such a short period of time! The girls both had a cold while we were down there which stunk, but they are getting better now. We made many great memories with everyone and we are looking forward to going back as soon as we can.