Halloween was a lot of fun! On Saturday morning the girls and I went to Grannymoo's (my grandma) with Grammy (my mom) as usual. I layed on the couch for as long as I could half sleeping, half dazing off. I'm always super tired on Saturdays for some reason. Seriously, I don't lay around like that on normal days. Grammy took the girls outside to play and gather eggs from the chickens, which by the way made excellent omelettes this morning. Libby took a nap for once later that day to prepare her for staying up late to go trick-or-treating. After their naps we piled in the van and headed to Sherman to some event on 1417. I got so lost because I had no idea where this place was. I figured I'd see a sign somewhere but I didn't. After driving for 40 minutes, and stopping for gas, Libby's BFF's mom and dad comes to save the day because they know how to get there. Thank God for IPHONES, I wish I had one. A classmate from high school has this photography studio and she had this whole set up to take free pictures, which she emailed me tonight. I'm glad she was there because my camera ran out of batteries the moment I picked it up to snap a photo :(. Naomi was a peacock and Libby chose to wear her dress up Cinderella (which was a GoodWill find for $3) and her 'princess shoes', which are a pair of clearance flip flops from Rack Room Shoes. We went to my mom's house for dinner. Then we went door-to-door trick or treating in a rich neighborhood in Denison with some of Libby's friends. We had a lot of fun doing this. Naomi loved going up to the houses, but she kept trying to go inside! She refused to be carried in between houses, so she was always last one to the door after the older kids got their candy. She was so cute in her peacock outfit dragging her Halloween bag on the ground behind her. She would get mad sometimes at the people giving out candy because she was afraid they would take her candy away. We also made it to the church party and Joel had fun jamming with some kids and the youth director since they had the instruments set up. It was time to go when Naomi climbed into the kiddie pool which was there to play grab the ducks. All in all it was a fun, yet exhausting night! We have been trying to adjust to the time change ever since. I do admit that the fall time change is easier than the one in the spring. Isn't this supposed to stop at some point? I was reading that Day Light Saving Time was established by Ben Franklin who was trying to save money on candles or something by keeping it lighter longer. Something like that.
Ok I'm tired. I'm starting to ramble again. Must go to sleep. After diapers are done in washer, or Naomi won't have anything to poo in, in the morning.