Today was the big day for Santa Claus to be at the library. We got there about an hour early so that I could ensure that Naomi got a nap. See, if she skips a morning nap then she won't take her afternoon nap at 1 when Libby does. I'm a happier momma when they both go down at the same time, so I try to encourage it as much as possible. The only way that Naomi will sleep if she is not in the car or a bed, is in my
EllaRoo Wrap. I know that I'm the one who has made her rely on this but, it is just easier for me to be able to feed her in the wrap then let her sleep on me when we are not at home. Libby was playing with some
dinosaurs and reading books and jumping on pillows while I
s getting
Nomers to sleep. She has a lot of fun stacking the library pillows, and jumping off. Eleven o'clock came around and it was time to meet in the big room. There was much anticipation that Santa would arrive. I think that us parents were more excited about it then our children. Santa (who was a staff member
shhhh....don't tell Libby that) came in and his presence immediately sent children back to their mama's or running towards him. Libby and her
BFF are smart and know not to trust old men with fake white beards ;0), so they came back scurrying to us. Santa passed out presents that us moms and dads had secured to him before the meeting. One by one Santa called out the children's names. I thought that maybe Libby's had gotten lost because I couldn't see it in that big red bag that was sitting there beside him wide open. Last bu

t not least, he called her name and she got her "special prize" from him. She opened it up so eagerly, and found 3 puzzles which she had no interest in of course. The excitement of it all was better than the prize, and I think that is what made the day so special. I'm posting some pictures of Libby opening up her gift. I have to throw in a picture of Naomi as well. The only shot I have of her I've blinded her with the flash of my camera, poor thing.
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