Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hello, Bye Bye.

My baby is a year old now! She turned a year old on May 14th. I still wonder what her real birthday would have been had a I not consented to another c-section (after being pregnant for 42 weeks and running out of options, and medical care.) But ah well, we can't change the past can we? Just look forward to the future...Naomi has developed into such a sweet, and sassy little girl. She loves to snuggle up to me, Joel or even inanimate objects. She is already loving to play dress up, she wears my headbands on her head, or will put on a hat and crawl around. She is very independent and can play with herself or her sister for fairly long periods of time, like if I need to make supper or walk on the treadmill. I will go and check on her and she will be reading her books with her feet. We have a gazillion of those textured books and she feels of the fabric with her feet, mostly thanks to this book. She is pretty smart, too. She can do a couple of baby signs. She does more, dog, and bird. She can say mama, dada, hello, and a new one today: bye bye. Watching a baby grow into a toddler then a toddler to a little girl (Libby), is truly the most amazing experience of my life. Oh yeah and she is starting to walk now, too. She is so adorable!!! I can not wait for what is to come! I am loving every single minute of my life. Sure, I live in a tiny house but I get to stay at home with my girls. I wouldn't trade this for anything. We've been active in the Texoma Moms group. We do cheap things like playdates at the park, museum, etc. It gives me a chance to get the girls out to play with other kids and to be able to socialize (offline) with other moms. I am a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child. And the more I mother my children every day, the more I realize that we are not supposed to be doing this alone in our 'nuclear family' way of life. I would love to go live in a commune for a week just to live that life (minus the drugs and open marriages). I want to live off the land, I want there to always be someone there to hand over my children when they frustrate me too much. And I want to be there for another mama who needs to hand over her children they are frustrating her. But for now I have a great group of moms that I've met and some ones that I've really clicked with. I am so happy that the days of never leaving the house during Joel's work week are gone. We leave the house every single morning the days that Joel works, no matter what. I got a gym membership and I have fun going there trying to lose some of this flab that I've retained since my pregnancy with Naomi. How long can you call it extra baby weight anyways???

Naomi is such a special baby girl, and her sister is so special to me as well. I am so lucky to have been blessed with such sweet, and smart healthy girls. Speaking of healthy, Naomi is still breastfeeding a couple of times a day. We are trying to nightwean her for the sake of my sanity. Four to six nightfeeds just seem to take a toll on me no matter how pro-breastfeeding I may be. I cannot fathom weaning her now, or being a mother who has never nursed at all. It is so convenient to have something right here on my body to comfort her when she gets upset, takes a nasty fall, or needs to unwind after a long day of playdates and the gym nursery. I plan on nursing her until she is at least two even if that means nursing through another pregnancy and then doing the tandem thing again. It is her birthright and I'm not going to take it away from her.

I am closing with a link to her birth slide show. I know I have posted it a million gazillion times but, I cannot talk about my baby and her birthday without adding it. Who even reads this anyways? I have not posted in so long I am sure everyone has forgotten about this blog. Anyway, here is the link ...and it is better if you turn the speakers on.

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