Thursday, August 13, 2009


So a lot has happened and I'm going to try my best to start doing this again. I am pregnant with # 3 and I am 12 weeks along. I've decided to try the VBAC route again (studies still say it's safe even though most doctors in this country are so knife happy anyways). Going to Dr. C. in Denton (THE go-to guy for VBACS after 1,2,3,4,5 c-sections), even if I end up with a repeat c, I had such a good experience last time and hope for the same again in that event. Denton Presby postpartum rules are kind of cruddy. One adult has to be awake the entire time for a baby to be allowed to room in. I called the heads of Women's Services and they are giving me an exception since I complained about my stay last time. Which reminds me...I need to call the lady and get her to fax me the exemption in writing so that I can put it in my birthplan. Oh yeah I'm one of 'those' women who feel the need to express my desires for labor and delivery. I really don't understand why someone WOULDN'T want to. I mean I write lists for my babysitter, for myself, for my husband why wouldn't I make a list of wants for something so important as my child's birth. Speaking of which, we won't be finding out the sex until the baby is born. We found out with our first child what she was going to be, and not with our second. We prefer the surprise! Not that it isn't a surprise at 16wks, 20 wks whatever. It's just different. (better) for us at least. personal preference. All in all I'm excited about the whole pregnancy. I can't wait for that moment when I can see the baby move with my own eyes through my skin. For when I can stop looking in the mirror asking myself if I look pregnant or fat bc soon there will be no mistaking it...Or when it gets down to the nitty gritty and the baby is on his/her way. Then when I get to FINALLY hold my newborn and immediately feed that child. Awww. the whole process is bliss. Memories that last a lifetime.

Just hope everything goes smoothly and safe and that I am growing one healthy baby in my ute--ee and that she (or he???) stays healthy on the outside. Praise God I've been able to have a third baby. My life is blessed. bliss.

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