Sunday, August 16, 2009

On a Sunday before a meeting, thoughts on my mind...

Man, I am SO tired tonight. I dozed off while on the couch a little bit ago. Naomi is watching Barney right now, eating a snack. The bedtime routine hath begun! Libby is playing yahtzee with Joel and my in laws. I however cannot peel myself out of this comfy chair. So I figure why not blog. again. I've done this for quite a few days consecutively!
Tomorrow is a LLL meeting. The topic is 'advantages of breastfeeding'. I'm planning on having everyone list advantages by playing 'The ABC's of breastfeeding'. We will go through the ABC's and list an advantage for each letter. There are multiple possibilities for each letter, so I'm sure it will go great. And kind of fun, too. I went to a LLL meeting in Denton last week bc I've always been curious to how other meetings flow, and what they do. The meeting topic there was weaning. A mom was getting suggestions at how to wean her three year old. There were breastfeeding toddlers (one Naomi's age), but mostly pregnant moms. Denton is a pretty natural-birth friendly town considering there is a birth center there as well as the infamous Dr. C (whose grandma was a midwife I've heard). All of the pregnant moms there were pregnant with their second child planning their second natural birth. There were some differences between our meetings and theres, mostly being they are more formal and legit. I always forget to offer book sales or memberships. bleh.

It is just so liberating almost, to be in a room full of like-minded mamas. I mean can you imagine the weaning advice that would be given to the mom of the three year old had it been in a regular, normal mom's group? or the looks? or the thoughts? idk maybe I'm just paranoid about stuff like that but I sometimes feel like I am the weirdo of regular mom's circles, and my peers. Not that I in any way think that we should all think alike/act alike/parent alike. But some of the choices I've made as a mom are just so different or foreign to other people.

I do wish that the LLL group that I am a part of can flow into one that represents all mothers. The crunchy ones like me, the ones who want to breastfeed but are adamant that they will stop at a year, the working moms, and the moms who are nervous about the whole idea of it. I really hope to prevent any cliques that sometimes form within groups, outside friendships of the group is fine but I don't want new moms to be misled. Just because you want to breastfeed doesn't mean you HAVE to do it until the child weans himself, or that you HAVE to post news articles on their FB pages (that's me!), or that it is an all or nothing thing. Sure, I have my personal beliefs on the subject and I hold it to high importance as my duty as a mother, as a Christian...

LLL's goal, and my goal is to help ANY mother that wants to breastfeed do so by providing accurate and up to date information...and most of all support whatever her breastfeeding goals may be.

lol. Sometimes I feel like all I ever talk about is babies, mommas, or nursing babies. I am curious to what my future 40 year old self will be and if I will still be chatting everyone's ears off about this sort of thing. This is what is important for me right now...what I feel like I've been called to do.......I can't help but be passionate about it.

All for now. Got to go read some Sandra Boyton books. :)


  1. I think it's awesome that you are so passionate about your mommy choices, it's perfect for you to be such an "activist"! And you are NOT a weirdo! A lot of people just aren't as vocal :)

  2. Thanks for the support, Amanda! And in the BF communities people like me are called 'lactivists'. lol, that term still cracks me up.
