This morning I took Naomi for her 15 month WBV. The appointment was at 9:30 this morning. I had to set my alarm for 8:30 since we normally sleep until 9:00. I got ready then at 9:00 scooped Naomi up out of bed, got her out of her pj's then took her to the potty and she went pee again. (YAY!). We didn't have enough time to do breakfast so I just made her a sippy and got a granola bar for her to eat on the road. The child hardly eats breakfast anyways, ya know. When we get there I put her in the sling and head up to the dr. office. The office is in a big building on the second floor, so I needed some assistance carrying her and the stroller can be a pain sometimes. Libby stayed home with Daddy so we could avoid the usual whining nonsense when the doctor is examining Naomi bc Libby is used to being the center of attention. So we get upstairs and I forget that she hasn't had any milk or nursed since about 4am. After I turn in the insurance form I sit down and nurse her while using my sling as a coverup. Man that thing comes in handy! We got in pretty soon to see Dr. L and his nurse and him were as nice as always. The nurse asked if we were vaxxing and I told her no, not until Naomi was 2 and that was the end of that. Dr. L looked her over and asked me normal doctor stuff and of course Naomi is as healthy as can be and gaining right on track. She's 50th percentile for weight, 80th for height. He asked if I was still bfing and when I said yes he said that's cool. All in all the visit was pretty good. Sometimes when we go for WBV the nurse gives us a Scholastic book that someone has donated...maybe the library? I don't know. Here's the bookIt's about how people carry their babies in all sorts of cultures. Of course we use strollers sometimes, too. But, I think babywearing is a very smart and useful option, not to mention the bonding it facilitates.
After the dr appointment I stopped by a friend's house to borrow The Time Traveler's Wife. There is a 'no kids allowed' book club that I'm joining and this is the first book we are reading. I am excited about the idea, I haven't read a non parenting book in ages. Plus to have something to talk about besides babies, children, etc will be refreshing. I hope that this is something that keeps up for awhile. Although, I'll have to take time off after the baby is born bc I don't like to leave new babies even for a few hours until they are well into their second or third month. Even then it's a pain in the butt bc I have to make sure I have enough milk stored and I'll have to pump while I'm gone.
Came home and made whole grain pancakes, eggs, and turkey bacon for lunch. We had cantaloupe from my grandpa's garden and it was delicious!
Tomorrow is my appointment with Dr. C. I was looking forward to the appointment so I could hear the heartbeat for the first time. But, a friend let me borrow her fetal doppler and I heard it at home. It's way cool. But I'm not sitting here using it every five seconds bc I know that it's probably not good to be bouncing soundwaves off my uterus constantly. I need to remember to ask Dr. C about what happens if I go into labor when his not so VBAC friendly co-doctors are on call. Hoping he will say that he will be there when I go into labor no matter what but that may be pushing it! And speaking of labor PLEASE God let me go into it this time!!! Preferably at 39, 40 weeks, lol if it isn't too much to ask.
Going to post a picture of Libby in the IKEA pet tent that I found behind the bed yesterday. We got it when she was a baby but she was too scared of it back then. She is having fun in it now! Too cute.
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