Wednesday, October 14, 2009

LLL booth at the fair

Besides the 3 hours of Libby getting hurt and then stitches at the fair, I really had a good time hanging out with some friends at the LLL booth. Rest assured Libby was okay and in good hands with her Grammy for the remainder of the afternoon.
We handed out breastfeeding information bags, had a babysling giveaway, and tried to sell some books. I had brought some chairs and taped the international breastfeeding symbol on them to set up a nursing station for moms. We have group goals to purchase an actual tent like structure and have a baby changing station/nursing station and have it set up at local fairs and festivals. Maybe we could get free booth space in there since we would be providing a service. We have new business cards that Lydia made up. It's fancy to see my name on card stock, lol. Lydia also did a great job making the poster board. Her son helped decorate it, too!

Jessika and JJ

It was fun to hear stories of women who had been helped by LLL in the past. Quite a few women knew who we were and talked about how a Leader had helped them through their early breastfeeding days. Some grandmas even came by to tell us how much LLL helped their daughters. I'm so happy that the group is getting bigger and we are setting goals and actually reaching some of them.

Better go, the girls have dentist appointments in the morning and I should start getting ready for that (even though it's 9pm in the night before). I can't just wait until the morning to get things ready or we will never be on time! We are trying out Kool Smiles tomorrow. Let's hope we have better experience there than we did with the place on 1417.

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