Monday, August 31, 2009


I got a call from my OB's office tonight. They wanted to do a survey to see how satisfied I am with Dr. C. being my doctor. There was all kinds of feedback asked for ranging from wait time, receptionist friendliness, to doctor satisfaction. I thought this was a great idea, and I think more doctors should do this. I really don't mind answering surveys when the information can be used to either better a health service, or confirm that they are doing a good job. Which of course, I think he is doing a great job...or I wouldn't be driving over an hour to see him every month (and more often once I am even more preg).

Libby has a dentist appointment tomorrow morning. I hope everything goes well. She did great when she went to the dentist about 8 mos ago...but she is a different little girl since then! The terrible twos are a misnomer, three's are worse! Sometimes I wish we could fastforward a year. It HAS to get better than this...right? Today we were at Wal-Mart and she had one of those fits. Ya know the kind that makes everyone look at you because your child is going boneless, screaming, screeching, whining, thrashing, and crying. Yeah. She finally settled down thank God.

She had homework today from school. We are supposed to all outline our handprints on a piece of construction paper then give the teacher a family picture. I'm sure it will be a cute project when it's all through with. I just love all the artwork that is sent home with her. Today she had drawn on paper with chalk and she was just so proud of it, as was I.

K, Barney is off so I better get off my rear and go read some books to the girls. It's almost bedtime!

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